Michael Postar’s Affordable Storage supports our community by sponsoring many events and supporting many charities all around Texas.
Communities in schools Logo

Communities in Schools supports students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. We donate drive-up and climate controlled units year round. Affordable Storage has supported Communities in Schools for many years. In 2016, Michael Postar, joined the board to help students achieve their dreams.

Communities in schools, smily, coat drive,
Communities in schools

Thank you to everyone who attended this year’s Gala, purchased an auction item, donated, or signed up to volunteer. What a fun and inspiring evening it was! Your passion for helping kids is the reason we are able to fulfill our mission to empower students to stay in school and succeed in life. A special thank you to our presenting sponsor, Michael Postar’s Affordable Storage, and all of our other sponsors. This was our most successful Gala yet. Thousands of local students will benefit from your generosity. We are grateful for your support!

Make-A-Wish is a nonprofit organization that works together with the community to create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Michael Postar, owner of Affordable Storage, joined the Make-A-Wish board 14 years ago to help make these wishes come true.


For these children, a wish is hope. Through a wish experience, imagination is sparked, and anything becomes possible – children look beyond the challenges of today and focus on the possibilities of tomorrow. It’s no surprise that medical research is making connections between wish experiences and better health outcomes. Children are being referred in record numbers.


Wishes need you.  Every eligible child’s wish can be made possible with support from individual donors and supporters.

Make A Wish, Affordable Storage